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Oh, hello there.

I am a small content creator that specializes in making gaming-tangentially related content. This includes videos and livestreams on my YouTube, music remixes on my BandCamp and Spotify, among other things.

This website acts as a landing page to connect you to my various online social medias so you can see what I am up to. Check out my stuff below!

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Nov 24, 2024 @ 12:39 AM

Well, hello there. Welcome to my new website.

In all honesty, this was made for my friend RUNWITHME so he can upload his artwork and music, but I am using it now because I want a new website too.

Anyway, this site is still kind of under construction. I am still making changes to the code here and there to make it better. Also making feature requests from Momo so if you load a page and something's broken, I'm either in the middle of coding it or it's actually messed up. Use the contact form I made for that.

I will be slowly also adding in my entire discography and other things so eventually this will be complete (and will replace my old site).

Latest Release...

It's a Date

Released: December 20, 2024

I have been working on this album for the better part of the last 3 years. Hopefully all the hard work and time paid off.

When listening here, the music is at 160kbps, which is slightly better than Soundcloud and preview listening on Bandcamp. The release here also contains all complete artwork for each track.

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